Mini Sessions: One Tree Planted Part I | Resilience Hubs: Centering People Over Disaster
Date & Time
Monday, September 13, 2021, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Virtual Session Link

During this featured break, you can watch the following Mini-Sessions:

  1. One Tree Planted Part I: The Tree Planting Charity
    • Learn about One Tree Planted: what they do, how it works, and how you can help.
  2. Resilience Hubs: Centering People Over Disaster
    • Speakers: 
      • Chase Engelhardt, Climate Resolve
      • Kristin Baja, Urban Sustainability Directors Network
    • Resilience hubs are community centers that have been enhanced with resilient infrastructure (e.g. backup power). These spaces are community led, and community designed, so no two are alike. This session will provide an introduction into the framework of what resilience hubs are, their history, and their roots in mutual aid. We will then explore several different examples of existing resilience hubs and how they bolster everyday resilience in communities, and contrast this with resilience strategies that center disasters as part of their core concept framing. Finally, tools will be provided for participants to help them evaluate the assets and vulnerabilities in their own communities, and identify opportunities to build power for community resilience.