Mini Sessions: One Tree Planted Part II | HeartFoods Community Farms: A Food Waste-to-Food Operation
Date & Time
Monday, September 13, 2021, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Virtual Session Link

During this featured break, you can watch the following Mini-Sessions:

  1. One Tree Planted Part II: What is Reforestation?
    • Learn more about the importance of our reforestation, including site selection, process, and benefits for our local communities and ecosystem.
  2. HeartFoods Community Farms: A Food Waste-to-Food Operation
    • Speaker: Mark Buehrer, 2020 ENGINEERING
    • HeartFoods community farms operate a revolutionary food waste-to-food production system with a closed loop, net zero design, to protect and restore the environment, create a local circular economy, and provide a sustainable solution to the global food crisis. Fresh organic foods are grown year-round in a local operation using recycled nutrients, carbon, water and energy from local food wastes. The Net Zero goals include: Net Zero Waste, Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Water and Net Zero Carbon. The unique food waste-to-food process includes cleantech components such as an anaerobic/fermentation digester, fuel cells, passive and active solar, geothermal and rainwater harvesting. The HeartFoods community farms addresses all four parts of the world's food system that must be transformed, that is: Production, Processing, Distribution and Consumption.